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07/31/2019 - Spot Healing & Patch Tool Brush





The function of the spot healing tool brush is to blemish anything on pictures that may need repairing or the pixels need to be blended in. The process for this is to drag the tool on the part of the item that needs repairing, that way it creates a "blending" look. I practiced editing a pink shirt with holes on it. Using the spot healing tool, I "erased" the holes it had and created a more "smoother" looking shirt. once I finished "fixing" the shirt, I felt confident with the technique that the spot healing tool brush has. I learned how to fix images by either using the spot healing tool brush or the patch tool brush. On my phone, there are many apps that contain a blemish tool which is very similar to the spot healing tool. because the purpose for both tools is to make pictures smoother or blend in any "imperfections" it contains.

08/2/2019 - Clone Stamp, Spot/Patch  Brush Tools




The concepts that were needed to understand were the spot healing tool brush. patch tool, and the stamp tool. I knew I was ready for this assignment when I got familiar with the tools and how they work it's best when it comes to "repairing" a picture of a person with either wrinkles or spots. A new, introduced tool that I learned how to use today, was the clone stamp because as a class, we were practicing how to use the spot healing and patch tool last week. In this image I used all three tools in order to create a smoother looking face on my chosen artist, Tom Cruise. On the before picture there are more wrinkles around his forehead. eyes, and mouth. Unlike to the before picture, the after picture has a smoother look around those regions of the face, but still keeping a natural look so that it doesn't look very patchy. I enjoyed editing using these strategies, because now I can smooth out anyone's face or old pictures whenever it is needed. This assignment connects to the real world industry because many people focus on editing pictures using these types of tools and strategies. Now I can do this all by myself without the help of another person or paying for this work to be done.

08/9/2019 - Shutter Speed Setting



The shutter speed in this image was at 1/1600, so the picture was taken with with a very fast and quick shutter. This impacted how the camera captured the image with the moving item. It created a darker effect on the image's exposure do to the very little amount of time it had to capture the sunlight that was around us. 



The shutter speed in this image was at 1/320, so the picture was still taken with a fast shutter speed, but slower than 1/1600. This allowed more sunlight to come into the image because of the slower shutter. The image isn't as still as the one taken with the shutter speed at 1/1600, but isn't completely moving, to the point where you can't see the shape the object has.



The shutter speed in this image is at 1/50, so the picture is taken at a very slow shutter. In this image, the most sunlight is captured into the image, and the item's movement is blurry, not allowing one's eyes to capture the shape the item has. 

8/19/2018 - Aperture Priority 







This image was taken at an aperture measurement of F/3.5, you can notice that the depth of field is blurry, because the focus is on the item. This helps the main item, bathroom pass, be focused while the depth of field is blurry.

This image was taken at an aperture measurement of F/3.5, you can notice that the depth of field is blurry, because the focus is on the item. This helps the main item, bathroom pass, be focused while the depth of field is blurry.

This image was taken at an aperture measurement of F/16, you can notice that the depth of field us still blurry, but clearer than the image with an aperture measurement of F/3.5. This causes the main item, bathroom pass to still be in focus, and the depth of field to be clearer, but remain blurry. 

This image was taken at an aperture measurement of F/22, you can notice that the depth of field is very clear because you can see every detail from the background. This causes all of the image to be focused and the depth of field is completely clear, as well as the main item.

08/23&27/2019 - ISO -Light Sensitivity


This image had an F/stop setting of 3.5 and a shutter speed of 1/4000th of a second. In order to underexpose the image, I changed the ISO to 100 which helped make the image grainier and darker. This means that the lower the ISO the less sensitive its to light which darkens the image. Now, this image is underexposed, it is lacking lighting.

This image had an F/stop setting of 3.5 and a shutter speed of 1/4000th of a second. In order to properly expose the image i changed to ISO to AUTO which helped properly grain and expose the image, creating the perfect image. This means that all the settings were properly used in order to properly expose the image using the light that there was in that setting. 

This image had an F/stop setting of 3.5 and a shutter speed of 1/4000th of a second. In order to overexpose the image I changed the ISO to 800 which helped make the image seem very bright and less grainy. This means that the higher the ISO the more sensitive its to light which brightens the image. Now this image is over exposed, it has too much light. 

08/30/2019 - camera angles




worms eye



eye level

high angle

In this assignment, we practiced the different angles that are used when taking different camera angles. We learned why and how they are used in different film projects like movies and what effect they provide to the story behind it. In order to know how to create such effect, we learned how to position the camera in relation to the object we are trying to capture.

This assignment connects to the real world because in the film industry, camera angles are key to create different types of effects, so that the viewer can react in a certain way. For example, a worms eye can help show that a certain object or person is huge and can cause terror for the viewer, because of how powerful the object may seem.

This assignment benefited me because now when I watch any sort of movie, I can search for these effects and will know why the director did what they did. In real life I could apply it if I ever join the film industry, which is something I would really like to do. I also can add these sorts of effects to YouTube videos and create a more creative structured video. I have noticed these types of effects in movies because it caused me to react in some way, but I never noticed what the producer was trying to do with the angle of the camera.

08/30/2019 - camera frames


extreme long shot


long shot

IMG-0948 (1).JPG

medium shot


medium close up


close up

IMG-0956 (1).JPG

extreme close up

In this assignment, we practiced the different frames that are used when taking pictures or videos. We learned why and how they are used in different film projects like movies and pictures. In order to understand these types of frames, we had to understand how far or close to be in relation to the subject. In order to review for this assignment, Mrs.Camacho prepared us with a slideshow and we practiced outside by taking our own pictures and learning how to function the different frames. 

This connects to the real world industry because different camera frames are used for different effects as well as different camera angles. They help provide a better focus on specific objects whether it's the specific object or person, or the subject as well as the background to help provide a better background story for the viewer. 

This assignment benefited me by helping me understand the different camera frames that are used in the film industry, and now I can use these frames into my own projects. I have used ken burns and different frame cuts before for videos, but I never really focused on how movies use these frames. I have done these frames in order to create a more funny or serious effect on the viewer. This helps to regain focus and so that the viewer doesn't get bored of watching the same frame for a long period of time. 

09/04/2019 - Quick Selection Tool Color Pop

mickey ferris.png

For this assignment the required concepts were the quick selection tool and the use of adjustments in Photoshop. I knew I was ready for this assignment because Mrs.Camacho explained and demonstrated how to use the quick selection tool properly by clicking and dragging the mouse on the pixels we wanted, and by knowing what each adjustment tool was used for. For this we used the inverse tool in order to create a black and white background and then used the quick selection tool to create a color pop effect. In this image I used a Disney Ferris Wheel, and created the image into a black and white image, and then used the quick selection tool to create a color pop. This helped create a focus on the main object. which in my image was the Mickey Mouse head. Overall, I enjoyed using the quick selection tool because it created a cool effect that I can use on pictures I take. This connects to the real world by projects that are created all over the world like posters that are hanged by the freeway, or even magazines. They use this effect in order to create an emphasis on the object they are representing, sponsoring, selling, or advertising. 

09/05/2018 - Quick Selection Tool Background Edit

table apple.png
apple 2.png










The tool that I learned how to use was the quick selection tool. The concept of the tool is to select a certain part of an object that you want to change or create an effect. I used it for many different things. For the apple, I created a PNG or a background in which it's clear, instead of a white background. For the flower image, I made the black and white image into a colored flower with a green-grassy background. For the shoe, I changed the color of the shoe, without altering the color of the laces or sole. Lastly, for the table, I used the same apple I used in the beginning with the PNG format, and placed it on a book, creating a natural-looking image that contains an apple. Other tasks that were used for this assignment were the adjustments tab in Photoshop, which helped with changing colors and creating black and white backgrounds. In my opinion all industries that advertise with images use this element in order to alter the images colors, helping the buyer want to buy their product, based on how it looks. Some specific example are billboards that you may see in the freeway, because as you drive and see colors that are appealing to the eye, it may catch the drivers attention and persuade them into buying or visiting what the purpose of the billboard was. Overall, I liked everything about this assignment because it's something that you see in your everyday life, but don't realize it until you learn about it. It also helps me learn how to apply this concept into my own pictures, that way I can also benefit from this assignment. 

09/04/2019 - Quick Selection Tool Color Pop

museum picture.png

For this assignment, I learned how to use the quick selection tool to add myself into a completely different background. In order to do this, the concepts that were required to understand were the quick selection tool and how to soften the pixels in order to blend in the green from some of the original background. I knew I was ready for this assignment after practicing using the quick selection tool for different tasks. In order to create this image, I took a picture with a green screen background, then used the quick selection tool to take most of the green from the original background off. After, I sized the picture so it could fit as best as possible into the background I chose, and feathered the pixels so I could blend it out. I enjoyed using these editing strategies because it's very simple and fun to use and play around with. This assignment connects tot he real world industry because many times photographers use green screens to place the selected object or person into a completely different background for better sales, or to create a better appealing background than the original one. I've seen this types of edits in posters or thumbnails for all sorts of things like movies or even YouTube videos, which helps the viewer want to watch the specific video or movie.

09/17/2019 - Pen Tool Self Illustration Line Art


For this assignment, you will first take a self-portrait or use an existing one for this project.
1. Create a new document 8×12  300 resolution. Put your self-portrait within the new document.
2. Put a blank layer on top of your photograph, and lock the photo layer. VERY IMPORTANT!!!! YOU WILL COMPLETE LINE ART ON BLANK LAYER
3. PRACTICE SKETCH: Use the pencil to trace yourself and then use brushes and colors to color in your illustration. You will use the PEN TOOL once you begin. 
4. Add a background to your illustration layer and save as .jpeg.

The most challenging area in this assignment was to get the right details that were on the original image in order to transfer it into the new self-portrait. Getting the new self-portrait to look like the original one was very hard and I had to practice with many different pictures in order to semi-understand how to do the portrait I wanted to do. I did overall enjoy this because I know I will for sure be using this in the future for different effects for images. It is a very cool and creative skill that although it was hard to use for me, I still enjoyed it. In my original picture I come out smiling with a black with neon worded - shirt. I have a basic background so that it didn't make it harder for me to do. Although I completely forgot to do a background for my self portrait, I did include my smile and little details to my hair. I found it very hard to try to do the letters on my shirt, therefore I stuck to a basic black shirt. With more practice, I think I can achieve something way better than this. For me the not only were litter details hard to get right, but also the nose. The nose seems lie the easiest part because it has a shape of two ovals, but I really took like half an hour to get the nose right. The outcome was not the best it could've been. But I really tried my best, and I know that with time, I can do better than this. I've seen line art in certain doodles that online artists do on other people. I always found it very cool but I never really knew how they did it.


The skills that were needed to successfully create this project were to know how to use the text tool, which is how I got the text to be on the magazine cover. I also needed to know how to use the eraser tool to erase the Magazine's main text from my face. Another thing that is needed was to know about graphic design and typography. This project connects to the real world by helping me understand how people that work with Magazine related careers do their job. It's very interesting to know how people do what I commonly see around me. Now, every time I see a Magazine, I'll know how or  similar way to do what they did. I put the text in big so that it can emphasize the meaning of "Celebrate Life". It's very important to change the size and how the text looks if you want the importance of it to be bigger. For that reason , I bolded some of my words, for example my interests, and my title and subtitle to emphasize it. I used light colors so that they could be visible to the picture that I used. The image has very dark flowers that if I used some darker texts, it wouldn't be legible. I made sure I met the expectations for the project by using the paper that Mrs.Camacho gave to us, and example that she provided for us, and making sure that they both had very similar characteristics. Also, sketching what I was going to create beforehand was very helpful for me, because I was able to have a better idea of what I was going to do.


For this assignment you will be learning about Typography & Design by reviewing an interactive PowerPoint Presentation as a class, with peers and individually. Prior to this unit I did not have a big understanding about typography, I would simply choose texts based on how much I liked them. When the word typography pops into my head, for some reason, I think of calligraphy. Now that I know about it, I can describe typography is an artistic way of making written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. I applied typography in this project in order to emphasize any important information. For example, I emphasized that it was formal by making the font in All Caps. Typography is used for many, if not, all careers. For every company that has their brand name, they need to use some sort of typography skill. I made sure I met all of the expectations by making sure I added a when, where, and who. People all over the world use these techniques for everything because when a brand is created then their name depends on typography because they need to see what attracts the people and what is convenient for them. 


I chose this brand because I found a Carmex lip balm in my backpack and thought that it would be a good idea to do this project on it. My first step was to do photo shoot with my Carmex outside at school. I went online and chose other images for this project so that it would come out very different and unique than other advertisements I've seen before. For this assignment, I am trying to sell Carmex. In order to create a focus on what the brand does, I used the background of a half smooth and half cracked so that it creates an effect of how your lips will feel when you use the lip balm. I also used the balm in the image twice in order to create an emphasis on what I am selling. I used a normal lighting from outside so it was not too dark but also not too bright. My audience is anyone that like to use lip balms or has never heard of this brand. My audience may be convinced due to how I portrayed the effect that it would have on your lips (cracked and soft background). On the other hand they may not be convinced due to the lack of trustworthiness. If I used a model that was very well known and liked, then my audience may be more convinced into buying this product rather than me being on the advertisement. This assignment relates to the real world because you  see advertisements for  many different things everywhere. For example, when you are at a mall, or even on social media, ads pop up everywhere. these may be on different things and may be shown in many different ways. For example a clothing store may be advertising their clothes by having a person model their clothes, or a craft store may just have their products shown in an aesthetically pleasing. Any type of jobs that sell something would have to do this type of assignment because they have to have a certain way of advertising what they are trying to sell. My overall experience with this project was very fun and easy because I got to experience how to make an ad about something specific and went through every single step myself.


With this career project, I learned about my interests. I have always thought of becoming a math professor, but through this project, I learned that there are other things that interest me. If it does not work out, I would most likely still stay in theatre arts but for filming, rather than acting. My favorite part about this assignment was realizing that there isn't really much to acting, other than the fact that it is extremely hard to get a good spot. The interesting, and, in my opinion, crazy part, is that you do not need a lot of school in order to get a good gig. This assignment connects to the real world industry because this is all about my future. It has helped me learn more about my interests and also about my future plans. The area that seemed smooth about this project was doing research on the school. and housing, even though I obviously do not know whether or not it is how my future will be. Whatever the future brings, I will at least be somewhat prepared and having an idea already. The most challenging part was finding out what my most preferred major was. Overall, I trully believe I met all of the expectations for this assignment. 

Annotation 2019-12-16 095546.png
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