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01/17/2020 - Photoshop Image Editing Review

1/24/2019 - Low-Poly Vector Art on Adobe Illustrator 


Geometry is important for this concept, considering that the image is made out of shapes. The basic editing software skills that were needed for this project were the pen tool and eyedropper tool. The editing software's that I used were Photoshop and Illustrator. To start off, we had to outlines the outer shape of the image we were recreating, and then had to fill in the image with as many triangles as possible. After that, we used the eyedropper tool to make the shapes colors as close to the original image's color. The design used for this project was Poly Design. The most challenging thing was to make sure each triangle or shape was connected to each other. This also messed up the shapes I previously had made because if I would anchor it incorrectly, it would redo some of the previous lines I had done before. The entertaining thing about this project was coloring it in, because it was cool to see how close it was to the original image. This connects to the real world because people that work in the media sometimes create projects like these in order to make it funner and more entertaining or appealing to people's eyes.

1/29/2019 - Me in History

My In History.jpg

I chose to use this image for this project because it shows the empowerment of women in protests from the 1960s for their freedom in voting. This image shows a lot of historical movement because it shows how women were fighting for their freedom of rights, which is very important not just for me, but for all of society, because it marks a new period in which equality is created.

2/3/2020 - Scriptwriting

Annotation 2020-02-07 102305.png
Annotation 2020-02-05 122344.png

For this assignment I used a scene from the show Jessie and analyzed what the characters did in a short time period of the scene in order to make a script out of their actions. Although I had already known what script writing was because I had Drama class, it was fun to come up with my own script on the computer. Script writing helps express emotions or feelings that the character may be expressing as they are acting. This is used in the real world for many things like commercials, ads, shows, movies, and anything in the media world. The scene I chose had three characters; two of them were walking down the stairs, while the other one walked quickly passed them. They were both in shock because one  of the characters was doing their job, when he usually does not. This leads to one of the characters realizing that maybe his Dad is home.


I have used Final Cut Pro and iMovie before. I've never used Adobe Premier before, but I was able to understand it's functions very easily. Layers in any type of program function the same way. Whatever is in front, will show unless you change it. This project was not difficult because we have worked with programs similar to this previously. I learned how to use Adobe Premier. My favorite thing was being able to customize the video however I wanted to. The most challenging thing was understanding the program, because I am not familiar with it. Editing is applied in commercials, TV, YouTube Videos, movies, and anything in which videos are being shown.

2/13/2020 - Commercial, PSA & Documentary

I have never created a commercial before, but I have dealt with making videos before. The videos that i am used to making are vlogs, so it is just a compilation of videos that just have to do with random and different things. In this class we have practiced using different angles and frames and we have used different editing programs as well. The most challenging thing with making this video was probably coming up with what type of shots we were going to use in order to make the commercial. the easiest thing was coming together to make the video, which I thought was going to be the hardest thing to do, because of time management. The funnest thing that we did was most likely recording because we got to play around with different shots. My team was always on task and extremely helpful. They came up with so many interesting ideas that we were able to function with and compose the final product. This project relates to the real world because everywhere you go, there are ads or commercials that advertise ideas or products. 

2/20/2020 - Business Application Project

*click image to be sent to slides*


5/1/2020 - Digital Word Cloud Design

Digital Word Cloud Design.png
Word Art.png
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