2pm Snap Partner - Kristhian Ortiz
1. What did you think about the overall video composition? Clear images, clear sound, legible text, music lowered at time individual was speaking, music choice? For your own Humans of SYH, What was your experience, did you make new friends, were you inspired? When you had split second words and quotes, did you notice a difference once they ALL CAME TOGETHER and created a video? How so? Explain.
I really enjoyed the overall video composition. It was very professional and gave me a documentary vibes. The music kind of made me feel as if I were watching a professional film but some of the videos were different in quality. The text was legible and the ending was cool in my opinion because it added a different "spice" to the overall video. From my experience it really inspired me because I realized that many of the quotes and stories that I heard from my peers allowed me to understand that life isn't always fair and comes with many downhills, but only you can change how it affects you. All of the quotes coming together in the video made a huge difference because it created a huge positive video that really inspires me.
4pm Snap Partner - Itza Gutierrez
1. What did you think about the overall video composition? Clear images, clear sound, legible text, music lowered at time individual was speaking, music choice? What stood out the most?
The overall video composition was shorter than expected and although there were a couple clips that were missing, the overall outcome was very good in my opinion. The videos were very clear to see as well as the text. The music choice makes the viewer have a sense of "happy". The thing that stood out the most were the background of the intro because it had a combination of colors that almost makes you feel angelic.